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Terms & Conditions

This license agreement for SoliderSound LTD software (“Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a company), hereafter referred to as “you,” and SoliderSound LTD s.r.o., a limited company organized in the United Kingdom at King Edwards Road, Ruislip, London HA4 7AE (“SoliderSound LTD”). In this Agreement, SoliderSound LTD defines the rights and obligations for using this software.

Read this agreement carefully before the installation of the SoliderSound LTD software. By choosing “Agree” in the SoliderSound LTD software installer, you are agreeing to fulfill the terms of this Agreement.

  • Definitions

    “Binary file” is the compiled code of SoliderSound LTD software - e.g. installer, executable file, dynamic or static library. Project files (presets and settings) are not involved.
    “SoliderSound software” means the actual product (application, plug-in) and all extensions released under the SoliderSound brand name.

  • Protection of customer privacy and personal data

    Google Analytics is used by SoliderSound LTD products to collect usage statistics. SoliderSound products never transmit any private data, such as names, email, and street addresses. SoliderSound LTD applications and effects don’t access your private data at all. Agreeing with this License Agreement, you agree to the transfer of some non-private data from SoliderSound LTD software to SoliderSound LTD servers (such as versions of the installed SW to allow us to offer updates, etc.).

  • Ownership of the rights to the software

    The SoliderSound LTD products that are free of charge, do not require having a license to use.
    The paid versions of SoliderSound LTD software require a SoliderSound account that is hosted by and a purchased license. The license for the purchased products is valid, and all rights are provided only if the license was purchased from SoliderSound LTD or its authorized reseller.

    This license allows you to activate the Pro features of SoliderSound LTD software and use the paid version of SoliderSound LTD software. By installing SoliderSound LTD software, you do not acquire any ownership rights to it. The SoliderSound LTD software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The rights to use the SoliderSound LTD software are licensed, not sold, to you by SoliderSound LTD.

    SoliderSound LTD software could also be used for playback of materials requiring special rights or agreement for public reproduction. These rights are not addressed in this agreement, and SoliderSound LTD accepts no responsibility for their observance by users of SoliderSound LTD software.

  • Refund Policy

    We are committed to providing plug-ins that deliver on their promises. That’s why, if you don’t think our plug-ins have helped you improve your mixes, we provide a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you have a technical problem, we will, of course, help to fix it first since we think you will be better off with our plug-ins than without them.

  • Agreeing with this agreement, you are allowed:

    To install the SoliderSound LTD software on as many computers as you want. One purchased license allows you to use the software on two computers at a time, but the “FREE” products can be used on as many computers as you want to at a time.

    One purchased license for networked systems allows you to use two playback computers at a time with any number of attached control computers.

    If the preceding condition is met, any other person may work with SoliderSound LTD software on computers where it is installed.

  • You are not allowed:

    To change any binary software component of SoliderSound LTD software.
    To make available to the public copies of SoliderSound LTD software binary files and serial numbers via any medium, including internet servers and services, email, and social networks.

    To sell SoliderSound LTD software without SoliderSound LTD’s written permission.

    The SoliderSound LTD software may not be translated, reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled, or used to create derivative works.

  • Warranty

    SoliderSound LTD provides a limited warranty on all hardware and software components. The warranty is provided by local laws in the country where the SoliderSound LTD product was purchased.

  • Support

    SoliderSound LTD provides email support for issues directly related to the SoliderSound LTD software or services.

    SoliderSound LTD also provides support when the license owner needs to change the assigned email address, re-send the serial number or re-download the software.

  • Updates

    SoliderSound LTD continually improves all software products. The owner of the license is allowed to download SoliderSound LTD product updates for free if the update is released as a “free update”.

  • Responsibility for damages

    You agree to use SoliderSound LTD software at your own risk. To the extent not prohibited by law, SoliderSound LTD has no responsibility for any damage and loss caused by improper setting, control, or installation of the SoliderSound LTD software, by any failure of the SoliderSound LTD software or failure of the hardware, where SoliderSound LTD software is installed. SoliderSound LTD is not responsible for the loss of profit or any other commercial loss related to the usage of the SoliderSound LTD software.

    For usage outside of business, you may have legal rights which would prohibit some of the limitations mentioned above. In this case, the limitations prohibited by local law do not apply to you.

    This agreement is a complete contract between the owner of the license and SoliderSound LTD. It replaces all previous contracts and agreements between the customer and SoliderSound LTD.

SoliderSound Ltd